Xtra Diesel™

Xtra Diesel™ fuel additive

Xtra Diesel™ Diesel Fuel Conditioner

  • Xtra Diesel™ Fuel Conditioner improves the overall performance of Diesel fuel. It improves fuel economy by as much as 2.8% while cleaning the fuel system, eliminating deposits, algae and water.
  • Customers are experiencing 5 – 10% improvements in efficiency in day to day operations. “READ TESTIMONIAL from WEST COAST TUG & BARGE
  • At a ratio of 1 Litre treating 1000 Litres (1 Qt. treats 250 gallons) if you maintain a 1.25% improvement in fuel consumption the product has paid for itself.

With the recent changes to Diesel Fuel including the addition of Bio-Diesels and the reduction of sulfur resulting in Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), increased formation and growth of algae in fuel storage as well as significant reduction in the lubricating properties in the fuel have significantly increased operational challenges. Particularly, operators in all sectors are noting shorter injector and fuel pump life and clogged filters from bacteria growth. In some cases, fuel stored in any sort of damp or wet environments is becoming contaminated to the point of non-functional. Specific examples of this would include fuel stored for back-up generators in public works locations, ski resorts and aqua-agriculture sites.


While many products on the market today will deal with one or two issues out of the myriad of challenges industry faces, Xtra Diesel™ as a complete conditioner will deal with the majority of these challenges, including:

  • Improves Fuel Cetane by 3 points
  • Separates water from the fuel…does not emulsify
  • Prevents gelling to -30 degrees
  • Lubricates fuel system HFFR Test (26/01/12) reduced scarring by 25%
  • Removes and prevents corrosion and algae
  • Reduces deposits caused by combustion
  • Reduces smoke (opacity)

Fuel Economy…of course we are all looking for that improved fuel efficiency and Xtra-Diesel delivers…in independent testing completed at the Transport Canada site (SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption Test stated

“it is superior to the performances shown by other fuel additives; which showed a maximum reduction of 1.5% in fuel used.”

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